Ways to Embolden Text on WhatsApp via Mobile and Laptop/Web

Communication in messaging apps has evolved beyond simple text. With features like bold text, users can emphasize their words and add a touch of emphasis to their messages. WhatsApp, a widely used messaging platform, allows you to embolden your text for a more impactful communication experience. In this article, we’ll explore various methods to embolden text on WhatsApp using both the mobile app and the laptop/web version.

How to Make Text Bold on WhatsApp Mobile App

WhatsApp’s mobile app offers several straightforward methods to embolden your text.

Using Asterisks

One of the simplest ways to embolden text on WhatsApp is by using asterisks. Follow these steps:

  1. Open WhatsApp: Launch the WhatsApp app on your mobile device.
  2. Select the Contact/Chat: Choose the contact or group chat where you want to send the bold text.
  3. Type the Text: Type your message as usual but enclose the text you want to embolden with asterisks. For example, *this text will be bold*.
  4. Send: Once you hit send, the text enclosed in asterisks will appear bold to the recipient.

Using the Text Options Menu

WhatsApp also offers a built-in text options menu for formatting your messages, including making text bold.

  1. Open WhatsApp: Launch the app on your mobile device.
  2. Select the Contact/Chat: Choose the recipient you want to message.
  3. Type the Text: Type your message.
  4. Format the Text: Long-press on the text you want to format. A menu will appear above the selected text.
  5. Select Bold: In the menu, tap on the “B” (bold) option. The selected text will become bold.
  6. Send: Tap the send button to deliver your bold message.

How to Embolden Text on WhatsApp Web

Formatting text on WhatsApp Web is just as easy as on the mobile app. Here’s how you can do it:

Keyboard Shortcut Method

WhatsApp Web supports keyboard shortcuts to format text, including making it bold.

  1. Open WhatsApp Web: Visit the WhatsApp Web website and scan the QR code with your mobile app to log in.
  2. Select the Contact/Chat: Choose the chat you want to send a message to.
  3. Type the Text: Start typing your message.
  4. Format the Text: To embolden a word or phrase, surround it with an asterisk on both sides, like *this text will be bold*.
  5. Send: Hit the Enter key to send the message with bold text.

Utilizing the Format Menu

WhatsApp Web also provides a formatting menu for your messages.

  1. Open WhatsApp Web: Access WhatsApp Web by scanning the QR code using your mobile app.
  2. Choose the Contact/Chat: Select the contact or group chat where you want to send the bold message.
  3. Type your Message: Begin typing the message you want to send.
  4. Open the Format Menu: Click on the three dots (More options) on the message input box. A menu will appear.
  5. Select Bold: In the menu, click on the “B” (bold) option. Your text will be emboldened.
  6. Send: Press Enter to send the message with the bold formatting.

Consistency Across Devices

Whether you’re using the mobile app or WhatsApp Web, the formatting you apply to your text will remain consistent. If you make a text bold on your mobile device, it will appear bold on WhatsApp Web and vice versa. This synchronization ensures a seamless communication experience regardless of the device you’re using.


Enhance your messaging on WhatsApp by using bold text to emphasize key points and make your messages stand out. With various methods available, from using asterisks to utilizing formatting menus, you can easily embolden your text on both the mobile app and WhatsApp Web. Stay consistent across devices, and enjoy more impactful communication with this simple yet effective feature.