3 Easy Ways to Keep WhatsApp Status Private from Specific Contacts

WhatsApp Status allows you to share moments of your life with your contacts through images, videos, and text. However, there may be instances where you want to maintain a level of privacy and limit certain contacts from viewing your Status updates. Thankfully, WhatsApp offers user-friendly options to manage the privacy of your Status updates. In this article, we will explore three simple methods to keep your WhatsApp Status private from specific contacts.

How to Maintain Privacy of WhatsApp Status from Specific Contacts

Method 1: Custom Privacy Settings

WhatsApp enables you to customize who can view your Status updates. Here’s how:

  1. Open WhatsApp: Launch the WhatsApp app on your mobile device.
  2. Navigate to Status: Tap on the “Status” tab, usually located on the bottom left corner of the screen.
  3. Access Privacy Settings: In the Status section, you will find an icon resembling three dots in the upper right corner. Tap on it and select “Privacy settings.”
  4. Select Contacts: Under the “Who can see my status” section, you can choose between three options: “My contacts,” “My contacts except…,” and “Only share with….” To limit specific contacts, select either “My contacts except…” or “Only share with….”
  5. Choose Contacts: Select the contacts from your list who you want to exclude or include from viewing your Status updates. Tap the checkmark or tick icon to confirm your selection.
  6. Save Changes: Once you’ve made your selections, click “Done” or a similar option to save your custom privacy settings.

Method 2: Muting Specific Contacts

If you’d rather not see the Status updates from certain contacts, muting them is an effective option:

  1. Open WhatsApp: Launch the WhatsApp app.
  2. Navigate to Chat: Go to the chat of the contact whose Status updates you want to hide.
  3. Mute Chat: In the chat, tap on the contact’s name at the top. Scroll down to find the “Custom notifications” or “Custom tone” option. Here, you can enable the “Custom notifications” toggle.
  4. Mute Status Updates: Within the custom notifications settings, find the “Status updates” option and select “None.” This will prevent the contact’s Status updates from appearing in your Status section.

Method 3: Creating a Close Friends List

WhatsApp allows you to create custom lists for your contacts. Utilize this feature to control who can view your Status updates:

  1. Open WhatsApp: Launch the app on your mobile device.
  2. Navigate to Settings: Tap on the three dots in the upper right corner to access the settings menu.
  3. Select Account: In the settings menu, choose “Account.”
  4. Access Privacy: Under the Account section, find and tap on “Privacy.”
  5. Control Who Sees Your Status: Look for the “Status” option in the Privacy menu. Here, you’ll find the “Share only with” or similar option. Choose “Share only with” and then select the contacts you want to include in your close friends list.
  6. Confirm Selection: Once you’ve selected your close friends, save your choices.

Benefits of Customizing Privacy for WhatsApp Status

  1. Selective Sharing: Customizing your privacy settings lets you choose who sees your Status updates, allowing for a more personalized sharing experience.
  2. Control Over Content: By limiting certain contacts’ access to your Status updates, you have more control over who views your content.
  3. Enhanced Privacy: Maintaining privacy from specific contacts ensures that you can share updates without worrying about everyone on your contact list viewing them.


Maintaining privacy on WhatsApp Status from specific contacts is crucial for ensuring that your updates are seen only by those you’re comfortable sharing with. The three methods mentioned above offer user-friendly ways to achieve this level of control over your Status updates. Whether you’re customizing your privacy settings, muting specific contacts, or creating a close friends list, WhatsApp empowers you to curate your sharing experience and enjoy a more tailored social media journey.